Dare to Flair

Tales of a Professional Showoff

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Rising Stars: Zack Prohaska

Zack Prohaska

If you are like me, you love watching flair bartenders perform. There is a hypnotizing element to it all.

I sometimes find myself watching the same guys over and over again, without seeing what the new guys have to offer.

This segment features the rising stars of the world of flair bartending.

I am proud to feature a colleague of mine, who has been working overseas for a few years, and now he’s back ready to take on the best in the world.

Here’s my interview with Zack Prohaska.

How did you get into flair?

Well, one day while driving to work, a Movers ‘n’ Shakers ad was played over the radio. The ad offered flair bartending lessons taught by Gavin MacMillan of BartenderOne.

I didn’t know much about flair besides what I have seen in the movie “Cocktail”, but being a bartender, I figured it would be something fun to try.

The Movers ‘n’ Shakers course blew my mind! Way better than Tom Cruise could ever do! I couldn’t wait to start. Taking that course was one of the best things I have ever done.

What opportunities have come your way since?

A year later I was offered a job to flair bartend for largest restaurant and nightclub chain in Japan, Sam and Dave’s.

For 3 1/2 years I lived in Osaka. I have met some of the most interesting people from all over the world! Among those people have been some of the best flair bartenders in the world.

I have partied all over Japan, Korea, and Thailand all because I could throw a bottle around… pretty awesome eh?!

What does the future hold for you?

Now I am back in Canada. I am taking this time to really start training. My plan is to join the FBA tour and hopefully make my mark in the flair world.

Representing Canadian bartenders in front of hundreds of people would be an amazing experience… and I can’t wait to do it!

Thanks Zack, we can’t wait to see you set the flair world on fire.

All the best and good luck!

posted by admin at 2:31 pm  

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