Dare to Flair

Tales of a Professional Showoff

Monday, August 25, 2008

To Insure Promptness

Tip literally stands for To Insure Promptness.

Most people who work in the service industry rely on tips as a major part of their income. Because this is a known fact, most servers and bartenders are paid minimum wage if not less.

That being said, we all have to keep in mind that a tip is a gratuity and is not mandatory.

Another thing to keep in mind is that if you give a server or a bartender a tip, it is not 100% theirs to keep. Servers must then turn around and give a percentage to busboys, bartenders, and hostesses, and in some cases they must tip out the house. (Give a percentage to the establishment.) Bartenders must give a percentage to barbacks and busboys, and usually must give some to the establishment also.

There is a perception from some people in the industry that a tip IS mandatory. I believe that if the service is adequate, than an average tip should be left. (Average being around 15%). If the service is excellent, then an above average tip should be left. However, if the service is terrible, I do not believe that there should be any tip left. If people tip when the service is terrible, then the server or bartender will not do anything to improve service. Hence, encouraging below average service.

If you are not sure who to tip, and how much, you can check out some guidelines by clicking here.


posted by admin at 1:34 pm  

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